what are ezy drain soakaway pipes

what are ezy drain soakaway pipes https://www.septictank.co.uk/shop/soakaway-kits/ Ezy drain soakaway pipes are the future of soakaway products. Gone are the days of soakaways the size of football pitches. With Ezy Drain you just did a trench. Put the ezy drain soakaway pipes into the trench and cover with soil. Job done. No gravel or shingle required. Why are they called ezy drain? Because they only take one hour to install :-) For more information visit https://www.septictank.co.uk what are ezy drain soakaway pipes This video is about ezy drain soakaway. https://youtu.be/E7H4H9YxvB8 #septictanktv #septictank #sewage #water #construction #offgrid #home #building #garden #environment #ecofriendly #glamping #howto #diy #wastewater


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